Read an overview of MagiDock's settings and features.
Adjust how long the dock's reveal animation lasts (when dock hiding is enabled).
Adjust how long the mouse must be against the screen edge before the dock reveals (when dock hiding is enabled).
This setting is ignored while in fullscreen mode (the delay time will be the system default).
Change the window minimize to dock animation between the two default system effects or an additional hidden "suck" effect.
Scroll up on a dock icon to show all Space's opened windows for an app, or open a stack.
Shows an app was hidden by dimming the icon in the dock.
Only show opened applications in the dock.
Caution: do not pin apps while this setting is active, or existing pinned apps will be unpinned from dock.
Clicking an app icon in the dock will hide other app windows.
This setting is not supported in macOS 15 and later.